Renovate Older Spaces in Frisco, TX

Reclaiming the Perfect Location

The thought of renovating an older space can elicit vastly different reactions. Some are so excited they can hardly wait to get started. Others may shudder at the thought of what they might find, how long it might take, and how much it might cost.

Whether you want to renovate your current space or you’ve found the perfect location, location, location, renovating an older space can make a lot of sense for a lot of reasons. Frisco, TX and the surrounding cities are booming for business!

If you find a location you like or a space that has the right overall requirements, we would encourage you to explore the possibilities. If you will reach out to us, we will take great care to help you quickly determine whether or not the space could be converted to meet your needs within the budget you have established.

Renovating older spaces

Our Process

This option in particular offers an element of surprise, as it can be difficult to know and plan for what others have done to the space in the past. For this reason, you will need to work closely and develop a flexible plan with your General Contractor. We’ve been there before and can help you transform your location into what you are hoping it can be.

Whether you simply need a fresh coat of paint and new fixtures or a full renovation, we can help you from start to finish.

The project pictured above was in a perfect location, with the high street visibility and ample parking the potential buyer wanted. The space had previously been the home of a national franchise in its prime. This 10,000 square foot property had seen its share of tenants and was being leased to a medical practice that was only utilizing 3,000 feet of the available square footage. The rest of the space had sat vacant for years. Needless to say, it was in dire need of an update.

The first two major hurdles were coming up with a workable plan to deliver the space that would support the buyer’s business goals, AND delivering that space within the available budget. That was a tall order, but we were up for the challenge.

Our plan required that we gut the entire building from floor to ceiling, including plumbing, electrical, and the rooftop HVAC units (RTU’s). To help keep costs down as much as possible, we salvaged as much as we could to be utilized in the new business.

Starting all over with a blank canvas, we installed a brand-new sprinkler system that was trenched from the city supply to the building, installed all new electrical and LED lighting, trenched new plumbing for bathrooms and a break room, installed five new high-efficiency RTU’s, added spray foam to the roof deck/ceiling to keep utility costs down, and applied fresh coats of paint from top to bottom.

What was once a dark and dingy cavern of a space is now light, bright, and supporting a new and growing beauty supply business.

We would love to have the opportunity to talk with you about your unique situation and how we can help you realize your dreams.

Contact us today
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